Code of Ethics
Ch. Agassiz's The Great Conjunction, SX2, T3, CCF3 aka Jove - Shelley Victoria Photography
1. The breeder shall abide by the Constitution and By-Laws of the Australian Cattle Dog Club of Canada and the rules and regulations of the Canadian Kennel Club.
2. The breeder shall advertise in an honest and non-fraudulent or misleading manner. The breeder shall give sound, correct, and experienced advice on the Australian Cattle Dog breed and shall make every effort to stay informed on new information, issues or concerns regarding the breed.
3. The breeder shall make every effort to determine the suitability of the Australian Cattle Dog breed to a prospective purchaser's needs. If the prospective purchaser is considered unsuitable, then the breeder should suggest that the prospective purchasers look at more appropriate breeds.
4. The breeder shall maintain the highest standards of care, canine health and cleanliness and abide by any applicable municipal (or other) legislation for the breeding of dogs in the area where their facility is located. The breeder shall be concerned about the physical and mental welfare of the animals they own and produce.
5. The breeder shall not breed a bitch before her second season or offer a dog at stud prior to one (1) year of age. The animals shall be free of all communicable diseases and shall be in good physical and mental health. The breeder shall not breed a bitch repeatedly in such a manner as to endanger the mental or physical health and wellbeing of the bitch and/or her puppies.
6. The breeder shall not knowingly conduct any business with any puppy broker, puppy mill, franchised commercial facility, litter-lot sale, or agents thereof. No dog or stud services shall be offered as a prize in a lottery, raffle, contest, mail-order catalogue, or like activity.
7. The breeder, at minimum, before using any dogs in their breeding program and at the appropriate age, will perform the following health tests on all breeding stock and register results of said testing with a credible agency recognized for maintaining canine health certifications:
a) Progressive Retinal Atrophy – all forms known to affect the Australian Cattle Dog
b) Primary Lens Luxation
c) Hip and Elbow Dysplasia
d) Hearing Evaluations (BAER testing)
Should a dog be used in a breeding program that is deemed to be “obligate” for a known disease, then the breeder shall maintain on file and disclose the source of testing. The breeder is also encouraged to perform any other health testing as necessary and support any new, current and ongoing research related to health issues associated with the breed. Copies of results of all health tests done on the dam and sire shall accompany each litter member that is sold, leased, gifted or traded.
8. The breeder shall keep accurate breeding and health records, registration papers, and certified pedigrees.
9. The breeder shall conduct and support only ethical trade practices, with all service and sale arrangements mutually agreed upon, stated in writing and signed by all parties involved. At minimum this written agreement shall include specific health guarantees, showing/performance/breeding rights if any and return policies. All breeders should be given the first right of refusal to take the dog back.
10. The breeder shall only use purebred Australian Cattle Dogs registered as such by the Canadian Kennel Club or another registry recognized by the Canadian Kennel Club, in their breeding program.
11. The breeder shall furnish accurate written records to the new owner when the dog is sold, leased, gifted or traded. The written records shall consist of the dog's pedigree, health checks and educational material on general care regarding continuing health, training, and current diet for the dog. The breeder shall provide the purchaser with the Canadian Kennel Club (or place of birth i.e. American Kennel Club) registration documents at no additional charge.
12. The breeder shall make themself aware of health and temperament issues associated with the Australian Cattle Dog breed and shall make it a goal to raise, breed and place sound stock. All dogs shall be bred with the intentions of that particular breeding improving the integrity of the breed and not with the intentions based on purely commercial reasons. The breeder shall honestly represent their evaluation on the quality of all Australian Cattle Dogs sold, leased, gifted or traded and offered for stud services. Dogs deemed not valuable for a future breeding program and not meeting the Rules of Eligibility as per the Animal Pedigree Act shall either be placed in a home on a written contractual non breeding agreement with the breeder, the Canadian Kennel Club and any other agency the dog is registered with. A dog may be humanely euthanized if deemed necessary for unforeseen health or temperament issues.
13. The breeder shall maintain a concerned interest in the well being of all dogs sold, leased, gifted or traded by them and shall arrange for the return or placement of any dogs found unsuitable or unwanted by the current owners. It is highly recommended that the breeder contact the owners of their dogs annually to review the mutual relationship shared by the dog and owner. The breeder shall rescue any dog that they have bred and sold, leased, gifted or traded if it is found to be held at a pound, shelter, rescue organization or in an undesirable situation.
14. Puppies shall not be shipped prior to eight (8) weeks of age. Due diligence and care must be taken when preparing puppies for shipping.
15. The breeder shall conduct themselves in a professional and respectful manner at all times and shall be a credit to the sport of purebred dogs, the Australian Cattle Dog, and the Australian Cattle Dog Club of Canada, in particular.

Moo AKA CH Psycht's Pushing Horns at WayOut - Ingid Rosenquit