Herding Dog
To be eligible for these awards, the ACD must be registered with the CKC (ERN or PEN) and the owner must be a member of the ACDCC.
The dog must have a minimum of a Started title in at least one of the following organizations: CKC, AKC, AHBA or ASCA.
Houla HAsd SDSs ATDsc OTDd AFTD-Xd OFTDsm ETD - Sarah Servais Photographe
The number of points awarded is determined by the number of dogs entered according to the Points Scale.
Points are only awarded to dogs receiving qualifying scores. There is no differentiation in any allowed stock type, but no more than 25% of the points can be earned on ducks.
Points can be earned at CKC, AHBA, ASCA and AKC trials, but no more than 25% of total points can be earned at AKC trials. Any course type (arena, ranch, stockdog or tending) is eligible.
A dog winning High in Trial will receive an additional 2 points; a dog winning Reserve High in Trial will receive an additional 1 point.
The Awards Program covers a calendar year (January 01 to December 31). Applications should be sent before January 31st the year after.

The Awards
Top Herding ACD of the Year
This award will be given to the dog that earns the most points in a calendar year. The dog must be owned by an ACDCC member, but not necessarily handled by one. There is no restriction on the dog’s birthplace.
Top ACD Herding Handler of the Year
This award will be given to the ACDCC member handler who has accumulated the most points in the calendar year. All points must be earned on at least two (2) ACDs.
Top ACD Junior Handler of the Year
The same as ACD Handler of the Year, but the member handler must be under the age of 18.
The Top ACD Herding Breeder of the Year
This award will be given to the ACDCC member who is the breeder or co-breeder on record that has accumulated the most combined points in the calendar year on at least 2 ACDs.
Submitting Scores and Points:
• The following form must be filled in to be considered for awards, and submitted to the Awards Committee Chairperson for review by the Awards Committee.
• For Top Handlers & Top Breeder submissions, each dog must be on its own form.
• If you run out of room on a dogs form, you can continue on another form.

Agassiz's My Awesome Arrow, RATI, aka Arrow - Photographer Lorraine Norris

Mail submissions to:
ACDCC Herding Award
c/o Cheryl Dauvin
Box 416
Grandora, SK S0K1V0
or email to: trigg252 AT gmail DOT com
Bailey HIsd ATDd OTDs STDc AFTDsdm OFTDc ETD CGN - sprydog photography