BIS, BOSS, MBPIS GCh. Agassiz's Blueberry Crush, NS, T3 aka Ginny, Herding Instinct Testing - Lorraine Norris
How to become a member
Membership Renewals are due November 1. If you do not want to loose your voting rights, your membership form and dues must be submitted before December 31.
If you were a "Mentorship" member, please note that you will need to renew your membership, either as a single or family membership if you would like to continue being a member of the ACDCC.
Membership renewals do not require sponsors.
If you are currently not a member, and would like to join you do require two sponsors. If you need sponsors, please let us know, and we can put you in touch with members in your area.
Please note, that the ACDCC
accepts e-transfers!
Single - $ 30.00
Family - $ 40.00
Junior - $ 20.00
Lifetime - $ 400.00
Foreign & US - add $7.00
Along with the membership package your dues help pay for the Heeler Holler, the quarterly newsletter of our national club.
Membership form: